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When Your Organization Publishes Your RWE and Economic Analyses, Healthcare Systems and Payers Listen

As a leader in medical affairs, medical communications, or HEOR/RWE for a pharma/biotech, device, or diagnostic test company, you know the value of publishing the real-world evidence and economic analyses your organization creates for payers and other stakeholders.

As a scientist or project lead at an HEOR service provider, you know your clients want high-quality support to publish the analyses you create for them.

Publication of your organization's RWE and economic models attests to the validity and credibility of the analyses. HEOR publications communicate the value story of your products, drive clinical uptake, and improve the chances of favorable treatment by payers.

But It’s Not Easy to Achieve Submission and Publication of Your HEOR Data!

But it’s hard to reach publication! HEOR scientists are not publication specialists, and your group already has their hands full.

Even when someone drafts the manuscript, the paper often doesn't make it to journal submission. As hard as it is to write a journal-quality article, it’s far harder to manage a successful and efficient process leading to publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Without thoughtful and informed planning at the outset, manuscripts blow up in a multitude of ways. For example:

  • The draft produced by the analyst does not meet the expectations of all authors
  • New authors are added late in the game and demand major changes in direction
  • Key stakeholders (medical reviewers, legal team) object to the “ready for submission” draft and send everyone back to the drawing board
  • Journal peer reviewers find holes in the presentation of the analysis and request major rewrites — and even reanalyses

Forward-looking processes efficiently guide each HEOR manuscript to successful publication in a peer-reviewed journal. This is where I can help.

What I Do

I help medical device & test makers, pharma & biotech companies, and HEOR service providers develop customized publication processes, creating a path to efficient and successful publication of their real-world evidence and economic models. I draw on 15 years in strategic publication planning and hard-won experience with both successful and unsuccessful publication projects. (Pro tip: failure to publish the study rarely has much to do with the quality of the data.)

I offer the unique combination of expertise in publication planning, quantitative chops, and deep experience writing HEOR manuscripts. This makes me a comprehensive resource for your publication needs.

Extending my skills in publication processes, I also offer end-to-end content support.

Why Choose Me?

Presumably there are other publication professionals who can help you. So why should you choose me? 

  • I've supported dozens of successful manuscript development projects at medical communications agencies and as an independent consultant, including many papers reporting HEOR analyses
  • I led strategic publication planning efforts for numerous clients and disease states as a Medical Director and Scientific Team Lead at leading agencies
  • I’m a long-time active member and past committee chair at the International Society for Medical Publication Planning (ISMPP)
  • I’ve been a Certified Medical Publication Professional since 2011 and am expert in Good Publication Practice
  • I have the quantitative chops: I graduated summa cum laude with a math major at Dartmouth College, studied in the mathematics PhD program at Harvard, and received deep statistics training in my PhD program at McGill University
  • I have proven ability to understand complex analyses and translate them into clear and compelling publications that meet the expectations of journal editors and reviewers
  • I'm friendly and easy to work with

Publication Playbook Engagement

Based on the unique work processes and business needs of your organization, I will develop for your team a customized, step-by-step Publication Playbook (process guide) to develop high-quality manuscripts efficiently and successfully and publish them in peer-reviewed journals.

Inclusive of:

  • 90-Minute workshop with key stakeholders to map out preferred publication process
  • Delivery of customized Publication Playbook to guide manuscript development from initial planning to journal submission and peer review
  • Incorporation of two rounds of team comments to refine the Publication Playbook to meet your organization's needs


  • The Publication Playbook will provide step-by-step guidance to avoid common manuscript development pitfalls and successfully complete, submit, and publish your planned manuscripts
  • Successful publication of your RWE economic models will demonstrate their robustness and validity to healthcare systems and payers